halobias module

clusterlensing.halobias.bias(mass, z, h=0.6777, Om_M=0.30712, Om_L=0.6928799999999999)

Calculate halo bias, from Seljak & Warren 2004.


mass : ndarray or float

Halo mass to calculate bias for.

z : ndarray or float

Halo z, same type and size as mass.

h : float, optional

Hubble parameter, defaults to astropy.cosmology.Planck13.h

Om_M : float, optional

Fractional matter density, defaults to astropy.cosmology.Planck13.Om0

Om_L : float, optional

Fractional dark energy density, defaults to 1-Om_M.


ndarray or float :

Returns the halo bias, of same type and size as input mass_halo and z_halo. Calculated according to Seljak & Warren 2004 for z = 0. For halo z > 0, the non-linear mass is adjusted using the input cosmological parameters.


Based on fitting formula derived from simulations in:

U. Seljak and M.S. Warren, “Large-scale bias and stochasticity of haloes and dark matter,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 355, Issue 1, pp. 129-136 (2004).