
Some example usage of how to build up a dataframe of galaxy cluster properties, including NFW halo profiles. Each cluster is treated as an individual, meaning we track its individual mass and redshift, and other properties. This is useful for fitting a stacked weak lensing profile, for example, where you want to avoid fitting a single average cluster mass.

This entire demonstration is also available as a Jupyter Notebook: demo.ipynb

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> %matplotlib inline  # for jupyter notebook
>>> from clusterlensing import ClusterEnsemble

Create a ClusterEnsemble object by passing in a numpy array (or list) of redshifts

>>> z = [0.1,0.2,0.3]
>>> c = ClusterEnsemble(z)
>>> c.describe
'Ensemble of galaxy clusters and their properties.'

Display what we have so far

Below the DataFrame (which so far only contains the cluster redshifts), we see the default assumptions for the power-law slope and normalization that will be used to convert richness \(N_{200}\) to mass \(M_{200}\). We’ll see how to change those parameters below.

Cluster Ensemble:
0 0.1
1 0.2
2 0.3
Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.4

Add richness values to the dataframe

This step will also generate \(M_{200}\), \(r_{200}\), \(c_{200}\), scale radius \(r_s\), and other parameters, assuming the scaling relation given below.

>>> n200 = np.ones(3)*20.
>>> c.n200 = n200
Cluster Ensemble:
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.1 20 2.700000e+13 0.612222 5.839934 12421.201995 0.104834
1 0.2 20 2.700000e+13 0.591082 5.644512 11480.644557 0.104718
2 0.3 20 2.700000e+13 0.569474 5.442457 10555.781440 0.104636
Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.4

Access any column of the dataframe as an array

Notice that astropy units are present for the appropriate columns.

>>> print('z: \t', c.z)
>>> print('n200: \t', c.n200)
>>> print('r200: \t', c.r200)
>>> print('m200: \t', c.m200)
>>> print('c200: \t', c.c200)
>>> print('rs: \t',
z:           [ 0.1  0.2  0.3]
n200:        [ 20.  20.  20.]
r200:        [ 0.61222163  0.59108187  0.56947428] Mpc
m200:        [  2.70000000e+13   2.70000000e+13   2.70000000e+13] solMass
c200:        [ 5.8399338   5.64451215  5.44245689]
rs:          [ 0.10483366  0.10471797  0.10463552] Mpc

If you don’t want units, you can get just the values

>>> c.r200.value
array([ 0.61222163,  0.59108187,  0.56947428])

Or access the Pandas DataFrame directly

>>> c.dataframe
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.1 20 2.700000e+13 0.612222 5.839934 12421.201995 0.104834
1 0.2 20 2.700000e+13 0.591082 5.644512 11480.644557 0.104718
2 0.3 20 2.700000e+13 0.569474 5.442457 10555.781440 0.104636

Change the redshifts

These changes will propogate to all redshift-dependant cluster attributes.

>>> c.z = np.array([0.4,0.5,0.6])
>>> c.dataframe
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.4 20 2.700000e+13 0.547827 5.244512 9695.735436 0.104457
1 0.5 20 2.700000e+13 0.526483 5.055666 8916.795783 0.104137
2 0.6 20 2.700000e+13 0.505701 4.878356 8221.639808 0.103662

Change the mass or richness values

Changing mass will affect richness and vice-versa, through the mass-richness scaling relation. These changes will propogate to all mass-dependant cluster attributes, as appropriate.

>>> c.m200 = [3e13,2e14,1e15]
Cluster Ensemble:
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.4 21.563235 3.000000e+13 0.567408 5.194688 9486.316304 0.109229
1 0.5 83.602673 2.000000e+14 1.026296 4.238847 5994.835515 0.242117
2 0.6 263.927382 1.000000e+15 1.685668 3.583538 4142.243702 0.470392
Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.4
>>> c.n200 = [20,30,40]
Cluster Ensemble:
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.4 20 2.700000e+13 0.547827 5.244512 9695.735436 0.104457
1 0.5 30 4.763120e+13 0.636151 4.809323 7960.321226 0.132274
2 0.6 40 7.125343e+13 0.698834 4.490373 6819.417449 0.155629
Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.4

Change the parameters in the mass-richness relation

The mass-richness slope and normalization can both be changed. The new parameters will be applied to the current n200, and will propagate to mass and other dependant quantities.

>>> c.massrich_slope = 1.5
Cluster Ensemble:
z n200 m200 r200 c200 delta_c rs
0 0.4 20 2.700000e+13 0.547827 5.244512 9695.735436 0.104457
1 0.5 30 4.960217e+13 0.644807 4.792194 7896.280856 0.134554
2 0.6 40 7.636753e+13 0.715169 4.463870 6729.455181 0.160213
Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.5

There is an option to show a basic table without the Pandas formatting:

>>> = False)
Cluster Ensemble:
     z  n200          m200      r200      c200      delta_c        rs
0  0.4    20  2.700000e+13  0.547827  5.244512  9695.735436  0.104457
1  0.5    30  4.960217e+13  0.644807  4.792194  7896.280856  0.134554
2  0.6    40  7.636753e+13  0.715169  4.463870  6729.455181  0.160213

Mass-Richness Power Law: M200 = norm * (N200 / 20) ^ slope
   norm: 2.7e+13 solMass
   slope: 1.5

Calculate \(\Sigma(r)\) and \(\Delta\Sigma(r)\) for NFW model

First select the radial bins in units of Mpc.

>>> rmin, rmax = 0.1, 5. # Mpc
>>> nbins = 20
>>> rbins = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), num = nbins)
>>> print('rbins range from', rbins.min(), 'to', rbins.max(), 'Mpc')
rbins range from 0.1 to 5.0 Mpc
>>> c.calc_nfw(rbins)    # calculate the profiles
>>> sigma = c.sigma_nfw  # access the profiles
>>> deltasigma = c.deltasigma_nfw
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
>>> fig.suptitle('Centered NFW Cluster Profiles', size=30)
>>> first = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
>>> second = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
>>> for rich, profile in zip(c.n200,deltasigma):
>>>     first.plot(rbins, profile, label='$N_{200}=$ '+str(rich))
>>> first.set_xscale('log')
>>> first.set_xlabel('$r\ [\mathrm{Mpc}]$', fontsize=20)
>>> ytitle = '$\Delta\Sigma(r)\ [\mathrm{M}_\mathrm{sun}/\mathrm{pc}^2]$'
>>> first.set_ylabel(ytitle, fontsize=20)
>>> first.set_xlim(rbins.min(), rbins.max())
>>> first.legend(fontsize=20)
>>> for rich, profile in zip(c.n200,sigma):
>>>     second.plot(rbins, profile, label='$N_{200}=$ '+str(rich))
>>> second.set_xscale('log')
>>> second.set_xlabel('$r\ [\mathrm{Mpc}]$', fontsize=20)
>>> ytitle = '$\Sigma(r)\ [\mathrm{M}_\mathrm{sun}/\mathrm{pc}^2]$'
>>> second.set_ylabel(ytitle, fontsize=20)
>>> second.set_xlim(0.05, 1.)
>>> second.set_xlim(rbins.min(), rbins.max())
>>> second.legend(fontsize=20)
>>> fig.tight_layout()
>>> plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88)

Calculate Miscentered NFW Profiles

When the true underlying dark matter distribution is offset from the assumed cluster “center” (such as a BCG or some other center proxy), the weak lensing profiles measured around the assumed centers will be different than for the perfectly centered case. One way to account for this is to describe the cluster centroid offsets as a Gaussian distribution around the true centers. We say the probability of an offset is given by

\(P(R_\mathrm{off}) = \frac{R_\mathrm{off}}{\sigma_\mathrm{off}^2}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{R_\mathrm{off}}{\sigma_\mathrm{off}}\right)^2}\),

which is parameterized by the width of the 2D offset distribution \(\sigma_\mathrm{off} = \sqrt{\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2}\). Then the measured surface mass density is given by

\(\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(R) = \int_0^\infty \Sigma(R | R_\mathrm{off})\ P(R_\mathrm{off})\ \mathrm{d}R_\mathrm{off}\),


\(\Sigma(R | R_\mathrm{off}) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_0^{2\pi} \Sigma(r')\ \mathrm{d}\theta\),


\(r' = \sqrt{R^2 + R_\mathrm{off}^2 - 2 R R_\mathrm{off} \cos{\theta}}\).

More details on the cluster miscentering problem can be found in Ford et al 2015, George et al 2012, and Johnston et al 2007.

To calculate the miscentered profiles, simply create an array of offsets in units of Mpc, and pass it to the calc_nfw method:

>>> offsets = np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1])  # same length as number of clusters
>>> c.calc_nfw(rbins, offsets=offsets)
>>> deltasigma_off = c.deltasigma_nfw
>>> sigma_off = c.sigma_nfw
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
>>> fig.suptitle('Miscentered NFW Cluster Profiles', size=30)
>>> first = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
>>> second = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
>>> for rich, profile in zip(c.n200,deltasigma_off):
>>>     first.plot(rbins, profile, label='$N_{200}=$ '+str(rich))
>>> first.set_xscale('log')
>>> first.set_xlabel('$r\ [\mathrm{Mpc}]$', fontsize=20)
>>> ytitle = '$\Delta\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(r)\ [\mathrm{M}_\mathrm{sun}/\mathrm{pc}^2]$'
>>> first.set_ylabel(ytitle, fontsize=20)
>>> first.set_xlim(rbins.min(), rbins.max())
>>> first.legend(fontsize=20)
>>> for rich, profile in zip(c.n200,sigma_off):
>>>     second.plot(rbins, profile, label='$N_{200}=$ '+str(rich))
>>> second.set_xscale('log')
>>> second.set_xlabel('$r\ [\mathrm{Mpc}]$', fontsize=20)
>>> ytitle = '$\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(r)\ [\mathrm{M}_\mathrm{sun}/\mathrm{pc}^2]$'
>>> second.set_ylabel(ytitle, fontsize=20)
>>> second.set_xlim(rbins.min(), rbins.max())
>>> second.legend(fontsize=20)
>>> fig.tight_layout()
>>> plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88)

Advanced use: tuning the precision of the integrations

The centered profile calculations are straightforward, and this package uses the formulas given in Wright & Brainerd 2000 for this. However, as outlined above, the calculation of the miscentered profiles requires a double integration for \(\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(R)\), and there is a third integration for \(\Delta\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(R) = \overline{\Sigma^\mathrm{sm}}(< R) - \Sigma^\mathrm{sm}(R)\).

For increased precision, you can adjust parameters specifying the number of bins to use in these integration (but note that this comes at the expense of increased computational time).